
Основы рисования цветными карандашами (eng)

Тема в разделе "Курсы по дизайну", создана пользователем Samatara, 7 дек 2015.

Цена: 2100р.-94%
Взнос: 106р.

Основной список: 62 участников

Резервный список: 3 участников

Статус обсуждения:
Комментирование ограничено.
  1. 7 дек 2015
    Samatara ОргОрганизатор

    Основы рисования цветными карандашами (eng)

    Colored Pencil Essentials
    with Susan Rubin


    Improve all of your colored pencil drawings! Learn easy, empowering techniques for color mixing, application and more.
    Start drawing confidently and beautifully in colored pencil with lessons from artist and instructor Susan Rubin. Get set up for success as you learn to choose the perfect materials for your skill level, budget and preferred subject matter. Put pencil to paper as Susan simplifies color mixing with luminous color "recipes" you can recreate again and again. Then, enhance your drawings with methods for blending colored pencils and using everyday items to add amazing textures and details. Move on to drawing a still life of cherries using techniques for underpainting, drawing shadows, creating an atmospheric background and more. You'll even get step-by-step guidance for drawing a bright and beautiful flower using a new layering method and tips for achieving true-to-life shading.

    Lesson 1. First Steps

    Meet your instructor, Susan Rubin, and see how to set up a successful workspace for drawing comfortably. Then learn the difference between student-grade and artist-grade colored pencils and why you might use one or the other. Finally, practice controlling your pencils to create color gradients, tones and textures.

    Lesson 2. Color Basics

    Learn all about color! Begin with creating the color wheel as Susan helps you understand complementary and analogous color relationships. Then start to layer colors for your own color palette. Susan also helps you to avoid color mixing mistakes.

    Lesson 3. Luminous Color Layering

    Create a color recipe book with Susan's technique for layering colors and labeling your pencils for future reference. Then, learn Susan's mixing and topping trick for brightening or subduing color combinations. Finally, learn how to use a white pencil to create tints and expand your color palette even more!

    Lesson 4. Surface Textures in Colored Pencil

    Learn Susan's tricks behind using unique tools, such as wax paper and baby oil, to create more kinds of texture on paper. Achieve a smooth, finished look with a blending pen. Use a colored pencil resist for drawing leaves on a tree and the stumble stroke for branches. You'll also see how to capture light and dimension in water droplets!

    Lesson 5. Color & Texture Come Together

    Combine your color and texture techniques to draw cherries! Learn to mix colors to match and plan a palette of colors. You'll see how to underpaint to allow the base coat to shine through, then use burnishing pencils to create a smooth, shiny cherry.

    Lesson 6. Background & Atmosphere

    Complete your cherry study with a textured background of complementary colors! Then add realistic shadows to provide depth to the cherries, and learn why shadows aren't made with just black colored pencil. Finally, learn techniques for laying down the background before starting the subject.

    Lesson 7. Bright & Bold Colors

    Learn how to make the perfect bold and bright shade with Susan's layering technique. You'll color a gorgeous yellow flower using all the techniques and tools Susan has shared with you and master shadows and shading throughout the flower. Finally, make your colored pencil drawing last with fixative.

    Цена по акции - 29,99 $ (примерно 2100 руб.)

    Другие курсы по рисованию и скетчингу от craftsy.com
    Последнее редактирование: 9 дек 2015
    5 пользователям это понравилось.
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    4. S_Lana
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      Вольха Редная хранитель.
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  3. Отзывы участников

    • 5/5,
      Работой организатора доволен
      Хороший материал для новичков, кто только знакомится с цветными карандашами. Препод объясняет все понятно и по существу. Уроки небольшие, но информативные. Очень полезным оказался урок об использовании побочных инструментов. В общем, мне пригодилось, спасибо большое организатору!
      26 дек 2015
      1 человеку нравится это.
    • 5/5,
      Работой организатора доволен
      Наверно неплохой курс для совсем начинающих. Спасибо за организацию.
      19 дек 2015
      1 человеку нравится это.
Статус обсуждения:
Комментирование ограничено.